Legal Articles


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Legal Articles

Under What Circumstances Can a Consumer Return Goods?

The primary piece of legislation that provides for consumer related matters is the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA). Amongst its most prominent provisions are those regarding the rights and obligations of consumers and suppliers alike when it comes to the issue of returning goods.

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The Obligation to Consult in Terms of Sec 189 LRA

It is widely accepted that the main objective of law is to ensure that justice prevails. In the administration of justice, there is a notion that requires that justice ought not only to be done, but it must be seen to be done.

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The Main Features of Sec 189 & 189A Retrenchments

Sections 189 and 189A of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 provide for dismissals based on the operational requirements of the employer, or in short, retrenchment. This is why a retrenchment is often described as a dismissal that is due to no fault on the part of the employee.

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Goods ‘Paid for’ Not Delivered - What Do You Do

Customers may also place reliance on the law of contracts, where parties enter into contracts giving rise to obligations that require performance. Where two parties enter into an agreement of purchase and sale, the foremost obligations are that the purchaser must pay a certain sum of money and the seller delivers certain goods.

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Cut Off From the Grid - Can a Landlord Cut Off Electricity in South Africa?

Prepaid utility installations are preferred by more landlords because they prevent situations where there are outstanding arrears on the utility account of the property, whilst the advantage to the tenant is that they pay as they use and offers an opportunity to be in control of their consumption.

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Your Life In Someone's Hands, His In Yours - Let's Talk about DUI

Using the road under the influence of liquor immensely increases the chances of reckless and negligent behaviour on the road and this is why it can never be overemphasised for road users not to use the road while intoxicated because not only does it endanger the lives of other road users, but puts oneself at risk as well.

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What Really Is An Antenuptial Contract?

In this article we shall describe, contrast and compare the antenuptial and postnuptial contacts and as we shall see, these are some of the most important concepts in life that most of us need to familiarise ourselves with.

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Retrenchment in South Africa - The Dictates of our Labour Laws

It can be presumed that an employee who voluntarily resigns from their job would have put in place contingency measures to survive until they secure other employment, what of an employee who is summarily dismissed or retrenched?

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Marriage & Property - Consequences of Matrimonial Property Systems

Seeking legal assistance before concluding a marriage will assist the parties/spouses to make informed choices regarding the matrimonial property system they prefer to be applicable to their marriage, a phenomenon which becomes critical at the time of divorce.

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Early Termination of Lease Agreements in South Africa - The Handy Bits

The most effective way for parties to prepare for unforeseen circumstances whereat a need may arise for the early termination of a lease agreement, is to include an early termination clause in the lease agreement.

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