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Legal Articles

From monthly archives: March 2024

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Understanding Defamation and Privacy Law in South Africa

The South African legal system defines defamation as the act of publishing any statement about another individual that injures the reputation of that person in the eyes of the community. This definition underscores the gravity of defamation, highlighting it as not merely a personal affront but an action with potential social ramifications.

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Under What Circumstances is Resignation Seen as Constructive Dismissal?

Constructive dismissal claims hinge on a trifecta of essential elements that the employee must convincingly prove for a claim to be valid. These elements form the backbone of the legal framework governing constructive dismissal and are critical in understanding both the nature of these claims and the burden of proof required from the employee.

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Sectional Title Schemes and Common Property

Unlike traditional property ownership, where one owns the land and the building outright, sectional title schemes in South Africa allow for individual ownership of a "section" of the property, with shared ownership of common areas.

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How Blacklisting Affects Businesses and Individuals in South Africa

In the context of South African law, blacklisting is a notation on an individual's or company's credit report that indicates a history of non-payment or defaulting on debt. This mark can severely impact a person's or entity's ability to borrow money, obtain contracts, or even secure employment.

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