Employment & Labour Law


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Employment & Labour Law

The South African Labour Law is an intricate legal area that is essential for the protection of employees and employers.

There is a large body of legislation that exists to address all areas of labour in South Africa and covers a myriad of employee rights and entitlements.

South African labour law is particularly complex due to the political history of the country and the emphasis of the legislation is placed on the promotion of fair labour practices, economic development, peace and safety in the workplace, social development and democracy.

Labour Relations Act

There are numerous legislations that fall under the labour law umbrella. Each one aims to provide regulations for the various categories of the workplace and its operations.

The following are areas of labour that are covered by South African labour law:

  • Retrenchments and Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)
  • CCMA and Labour Court
  • Basic Conditions of Employment and Employment Contracts
  • Unfair Labour Practice
  • Labour Disputes and Grievance Procedures
  • Dismissal
    • Unfair Dismissal
    • Constructive Dismissal
  • Restraint of Trade
  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Employment Equity
  • Disciplinary Proceedings and Hearings
  • Resignation
  • Unions, Strikes, Lockouts
  • Deductions, Pensions and Claims
  • Sexual harassment

Van Deventer & Van Deventer Incorporated – Attorneys South Africa

Regardless of the level of employment, job description, race, gender, heritage, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or cultural background in an organisation, fair and equal treatment as well as protection from harm is what forms the basis of the South African Labour Law.

Our attorneys are ready to provide expert legal assistance, advice and support with regards to the above-mentioned areas of the law.

We aim to ensure that both employees and employers know and understand their rights and limitations according to the relative legislation. For more information, contact us.

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