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From monthly archives: April 2023

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'April 2023'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

South African NHI – Where Do We Currently Stand?

The Department of Health in South Africa has received approval from the courts to proceed with the recruitment process for 44 specialist positions within the proposed National Healthcare Insurance (NHI) scheme, despite objections from trade union Solidarity.

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The Role of Private Medical Schemes Once the NHI is Implemented

The implementation of the NHI in South Africa has had many South Africans concerned and one of the biggest questions that citizens are asking is what will happen to private medical care if and when the NHI is implemented.

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A Deeper Look into National Health Insurance in South Africa

The National Health Insurance Bill was presented to Parliament in August 2019 and has since garnered significant attention from various stakeholders. The issue has been widely debated and discussed in the media and on social media platforms.

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Introduction to National Health Insurance in South Africa

The NHI aims to pool funds to provide access to quality and affordable health services for all South Africans, regardless of their socio-economic status, based on their health needs. Under the NHI, the National Health Insurance Fund will be responsible for purchasing health care services for all registered users.

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