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Property Law

Actio Communi Dividundo: Dividing Jointly Owned Property in SA

When people jointly own property—whether as business partners, family members, or spouses—disputes can arise when one party wants to end the co-ownership.

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How Long Can a Tenant Stay Without Paying Rent in South Africa?

In South Africa, the legal process for managing rent arrears and evicting tenants involves specific steps to ensure fair treatment for both parties.

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When Can a Landlord Withhold and Deduct From a Tenant’s Security Deposit?

In South Africa, the security deposit a tenant pays upon moving into a rental property serves as a form of financial security for the landlord.

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Sectional Title Schemes and Common Property

Unlike traditional property ownership, where one owns the land and the building outright, sectional title schemes in South Africa allow for individual ownership of a "section" of the property, with shared ownership of common areas.

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Arrear Rentals and Landlord Rights – Balancing the Tide

The South African property market has been witnessing significant growth, making property investment an attractive option for generating income.

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When Dishonesty Bites Back - Selling Property

The Property Practitioners Act 22 of 2019 (the PPA) places an obligation on sellers to disclose to prospective buyers whether or not there are defects on the property before the purchaser buys the property. In fact, a disclosure form is now compulsory where the seller must disclose such information.

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Levy & Utility Arrears - A Word for Body Corporate Trustees

The Trustees of a Body Corporate are entitled to launch legal action where the unit owner is not honouring their obligations towards utility accounts and levies. Incidentally, the entitlement flows from section 4 (1) of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011, and Prescribed Management Rule 25.

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A Guide to Building Plan Approval in South Africa

Each municipality in South Africa has specific regulations and procedures for building plan approval. It's essential for the success of your project that these local requirements are thoroughly understood and adhered to.

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Cut Off From the Grid - Can a Landlord Cut Off Electricity in South Africa?

Prepaid utility installations are preferred by more landlords because they prevent situations where there are outstanding arrears on the utility account of the property, whilst the advantage to the tenant is that they pay as they use and offers an opportunity to be in control of their consumption.

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Early Termination of Lease Agreements in South Africa - The Handy Bits

The most effective way for parties to prepare for unforeseen circumstances whereat a need may arise for the early termination of a lease agreement, is to include an early termination clause in the lease agreement.

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