What is the Small Claims Court and When Can I Approach It? | Legal Articles


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What is the Small Claims Court and When Can I Approach It?

At Van Deventer and Van Deventer Incorporated, we understand that dealing with minor civil disputes can be a daunting task. The Small Claims Court in South Africa offers a fast, simple, and cost-effective solution for resolving such disputes, particularly those involving claims up to R20,000. This court is designed to be accessible to the general public, providing a less formal and less intimidating environment than higher courts. Importantly, legal representation is not permitted, which helps to keep the process straightforward and affordable.

Small Claims Court Attorneys

When to Use the Small Claims Court: Types of Claims Suitable for Small Claims Court

The Small Claims Court is designed to handle a variety of minor civil disputes efficiently and affordably. This court is an excellent avenue for resolving issues where the small claims court limit does not exceed R20,000. Understanding the types of claims that are suitable for the small claims court can help you determine if this is the right option for your specific situation.

1. Claims for Money Owed

One of the most common types of cases brought to the small claims court involves claims for money owed. This can include unpaid loans, outstanding invoices for services rendered, or any other debts that have not been settled. For instance, if you have provided a service or loaned money to someone and they have failed to pay you back, you can file a small claims court claim to recover the owed amount.

2. Claims for Damages to Property

The small claims court also handles claims for damages to property. If someone has damaged your personal property, whether intentionally or accidentally, you can seek compensation through the small claims court. This could involve anything from a damaged vehicle to broken household items.

3. Breach of Contract

Another common issue resolved in the small claims court is a breach of contract. If someone has failed to fulfil the terms of a contract you both agreed upon, you can bring this matter to the court. This includes instances where services were paid for but not delivered or where goods delivered were not as described.

4. Ejectment Orders

The small claims court can issue ejectment orders to remove an unlawful occupier from your property. This is particularly useful for landlords dealing with tenants who refuse to vacate the premises despite the end of a lease agreement.

5. Delivery or Transfer of Movable Property

If you are seeking the delivery or transfer of movable property valued up to R20,000, the small claims court can handle such cases. This could include disputes over items sold but not delivered or personal property that needs to be returned.

Exclusions from the Small Claims Court

It is important to note that the small claims court does not handle all types of disputes. Claims involving the state, municipal disputes, defamation, wrongful arrest, and issues related to the dissolution of marriages or mental capacity are excluded from its jurisdiction. Additionally, matters requiring complex legal interpretations or substantial evidence are better suited for higher courts.

Next Steps in the Small Claims Process

Understanding the types of claims that can be addressed by the small claims court is the first step. Next, we will explore the detailed small claims court procedure, including the small claims court application form, and how to proceed with your claim effectively.

Procedure for Filing a Claim

Navigating the small claims court procedure can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it becomes a straightforward process. Here’s a detailed look at how to file a small claims court claim effectively.

1. Sending a Letter of Demand

Before you can file a claim in the small claims court, you must first send a small claims court letter of demand to the defendant. This letter should clearly state the nature of your claim, the amount you are seeking, and a request for payment or resolution of the issue. It is essential to give the defendant at least 14 days to respond. This step is crucial as it shows that you have attempted to resolve the matter amicably before resorting to legal action.

2. Filing the Claim

If the defendant fails to respond to the letter of demand within the specified period, you can proceed to file your claim. Here’s how:

  • Visit the Court: Go to the nearest small claims court with your completed small claims court application form, the letter of demand, and any proof of delivery (such as a registered mail receipt).
  • Provide Documentation: Present all necessary documents to the clerk of the court. This includes your letter of demand, the proof of delivery, and any other documents that support your claim, such as contracts, invoices, receipts, or photographs.
  • Drafting the Summons: The clerk will assist you in drafting a small claims court summons, which outlines your claim and the details of the court hearing. Ensure all details are accurate and complete.

3. Serving the Summons

Once the summons is prepared, it must be served to the defendant. This can be done through:

  • Personal Service: Delivering the summons personally to the defendant.
  • Registered Mail: Sending the summons via registered mail to ensure there is proof of delivery.

Proof of service is critical, as it demonstrates that the defendant has been officially notified of the court proceedings.

4. Preparing for the Hearing

Preparation is key to success in the small claims court. Gather all relevant documents, such as:

  • Contracts: Any agreements between you and the defendant.
  • Invoices and Receipts: Proof of transactions and payments.
  • Correspondence: Any emails, letters, or messages exchanged with the defendant.
  • Photographs: Visual evidence supporting your claim.

Additionally, identify and prepare any witnesses who can testify on your behalf.

5. Attending the Hearing

On the day of the hearing, both you and the defendant will present your cases to the Commissioner. The process is informal, and the Commissioner will guide the proceedings, asking questions and examining the evidence. Legal representation is not allowed, ensuring that the process remains accessible and straightforward.

6. Judgment and Enforcement

After hearing both sides, the Commissioner will make a judgment. If the judgment is in your favour, the defendant typically has 10 days to comply. If they fail to do so, you can return to the court to obtain a Writ of Execution, allowing the sheriff to seize the defendant’s property to satisfy the debt.

Here’s what to expect during the court hearing and how judgments are handled in the Small Claims Court.

Attending the Hearing

On the day of the hearing, it’s crucial to arrive on time and bring all necessary documents to support your small claims court claim. The hearing is informal, and the procedure is designed to be straightforward and accessible without the need for legal representation.

  • Presentation of Cases: Both the claimant (you) and the defendant will have the opportunity to present their cases. This includes presenting evidence, such as contracts, receipts, correspondence, and photographs. Ensure that you organize your documents logically to make your presentation clear and concise.
  • Witness Testimonies: If you have witnesses who can support your claim, they will be allowed to provide their testimonies. Ensure your witnesses are well-prepared and know the key points they need to address.
  • Commissioner’s Role: The Commissioner, who presides over the Small Claims Court, will facilitate the hearing. They will ask questions to clarify details and ensure that both parties have the opportunity to fully present their cases. The Commissioner’s role is to ensure a fair and impartial hearing.

Courtroom Etiquette

Maintaining proper courtroom etiquette is essential:

  • Dress Appropriately: Dress in a neat and respectful manner.
  • Address the Commissioner Properly: Always address the Commissioner respectfully, using titles such as "Your Honour" or "Commissioner".
  • Be Clear and Concise: Present your points clearly and avoid unnecessary details. Stick to the facts and relevant information.
  • Listen Carefully: Pay attention to what the Commissioner and the defendant say. Take notes if necessary to respond accurately.


After both sides have presented their cases, the Commissioner will make a judgment based on the evidence and testimonies provided. Here’s what to expect:

  • Immediate Decision: In many cases, the Commissioner will deliver the judgment immediately after the hearing. This prompt decision-making process is one of the advantages of the Small Claims Court.
  • Compliance Period: If the judgment is in your favour, the defendant will typically have 10 days to comply with the court’s order, whether it involves payment of a specified amount or other actions.
  • Non-Compliance: If the defendant fails to comply with the judgment, you can return to the court to obtain a Writ of Execution. This legal document authorizes the sheriff to seize the defendant’s property to satisfy the debt.

Enforcement of Judgment

Enforcing the judgment is a critical step if the defendant does not voluntarily comply. Here’s how it works:

  • Writ of Execution: Apply for a Writ of Execution through the court. This document empowers the sheriff to confiscate the defendant’s assets to settle the debt.
  • Sheriff’s Role: The sheriff will visit the defendant’s premises and seize movable property equivalent to the debt amount. These items can then be sold at a public auction to recover the owed money.

Benefits of the Small Claims Court

The Small Claims Court offers several significant advantages, making it an excellent option for individuals seeking justice in minor civil matters.

1. Cost-Effective

One of the most notable benefits of the Small Claims Court is its cost-effectiveness. Since legal representation is not permitted, parties do not incur the costs associated with hiring small claims court attorneys. This makes the small claims process accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. The only costs typically involved are minimal administrative fees for filing a claim, which further enhances its affordability.

2. Speedy Resolution

The Small Claims Court is designed to resolve disputes quickly. The streamlined procedures and the informal nature of the court mean that cases are generally heard and decided much faster than in higher courts. This rapid resolution can be particularly beneficial for claimants who need timely judgments to recover debts or resolve disputes without prolonged waiting periods.

3. Simplicity and Accessibility

The small claims court procedure is straightforward and easy to understand, making it accessible even to those with no legal background. The process involves simple steps such as sending a small claims court letter of demand, filing a claim with the small claims court application form, and attending the hearing. The absence of complex legal jargon and procedures ensures that anyone can navigate the system effectively.

4. Informal Hearing Environment

The informal nature of the Small Claims Court makes the process less intimidating for claimants and defendants. The hearings are conducted in a manner that allows both parties to present their cases without the formalities of higher courts. This relaxed environment helps individuals feel more comfortable and confident in presenting their claims.

5. Focus on Fairness and Equity

The Small Claims Court prioritizes fairness and equity, ensuring that both parties have an equal opportunity to present their cases. The Commissioner, who presides over the court, is committed to impartiality and makes decisions based on the merits of each case. This focus on justice and fairness is a cornerstone of the small claims court process.

6. No Need for Legal Representation

The prohibition of legal representation levels the playing field, as neither party can have an attorney present during the hearing. This ensures that the process remains fair and that the focus is on the facts of the case rather than on legal technicalities. It also removes the financial burden of hiring an attorney, making the small claims court an accessible option for everyone.

7. Enforceable Judgments

Judgments made by the Small Claims Court are legally binding and enforceable. If the defendant does not comply with the judgment, the claimant can seek a Writ of Execution, allowing the sheriff to seize the defendant’s property to satisfy the debt. This enforceability ensures that claimants can effectively recover what is owed to them.

Van Deventer and Van Deventer Inc. – Attorneys in Johannesburg and Cape Town

The Small Claims Court is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to resolve minor civil disputes efficiently and affordably. With a clear focus on accessibility, fairness, and speed, this court offers an effective solution for handling claims without the need for legal representation. By understanding the small claims court procedure and the types of claims suitable for this court, claimants can navigate the process with confidence.

At Van Deventer and Van Deventer Incorporated, our attorneys are committed to assisting our clients through every step of the small claims process. From drafting a small claims court letter of demand to preparing for the hearing and enforcing judgments, our team provides the support and guidance needed to ensure a successful outcome. Whether you are in Cape Town, Johannesburg, or anywhere else in South Africa, we are here to help you achieve justice through the Small Claims Court.

By leveraging the benefits of the Small Claims Court, you can resolve disputes quickly, cost-effectively, and fairly, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the justice you deserve.

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