Legal Articles


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Legal Articles

When Dishonesty Bites Back - Selling Property

The Property Practitioners Act 22 of 2019 (the PPA) places an obligation on sellers to disclose to prospective buyers whether or not there are defects on the property before the purchaser buys the property. In fact, a disclosure form is now compulsory where the seller must disclose such information.

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When Dealing with Trusts Goes Wrong

When dealing with trusts, a recent case sheds light on the intricacies and legal principles involved.

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Varying a Divorce Order - The Process

The finalization of a divorce is often perceived as the closing of one chapter and the commencement of a new, separate life for former spouses.

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Levy & Utility Arrears - A Word for Body Corporate Trustees

The Trustees of a Body Corporate are entitled to launch legal action where the unit owner is not honouring their obligations towards utility accounts and levies. Incidentally, the entitlement flows from section 4 (1) of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011, and Prescribed Management Rule 25.

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The Legacy of Covid-19 - The Labour Court Speaks

The far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which unfolded in early 2020, undoubtedly left an indelible mark on global affairs.

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Varying a Divorce Order - The Process

The finalization of a divorce is often perceived as the closing of one chapter and the commencement of a new, separate life for former spouses.

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Damage to Goods in Transit - Who Pays the Bill?

When goods embark on a journey from one location to another, a multitude of risks emerges. Owners find themselves pondering whether their goods will reach their destination unscathed, contemplating scenarios involving theft or malfunction.

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Can an Antenuptial Contract be Executed After the Marriage has Already Been Entered Into?

The law in South Africa provides for couples to choose the type of matrimonial property system they prefer when entering into marriages. For those who prefer to be married out of community of property, it is required that they execute a valid Antenuptial Contract before entering into the marriage.

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Formalities of an Antenuptial Contract

In South Africa an Antenuptial Contract (ANC) ought to adhere to certain prescribed formalities to be recognised as legally valid. This is very important in many respects, as spouses may later find out after so many years that the Antenuptial contract they thought was valid was, all along, not valid.

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A Guide to Building Plan Approval in South Africa

Each municipality in South Africa has specific regulations and procedures for building plan approval. It's essential for the success of your project that these local requirements are thoroughly understood and adhered to.

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