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Actio Communi Dividundo: Dividing Jointly Owned Property in SA

When people jointly own property—whether as business partners, family members, or spouses—disputes can arise when one party wants to end the co-ownership.

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Parental Alienation & Child Custody: Legal Remedies in SA

Parental alienation is a growing concern in child custody disputes in South Africa. When one parent intentionally manipulates or influences a child to reject the other parent, it can have severe emotional and psychological consequences.

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Estate Planning in Polygamous Marriages: Legal Challenges in SA

Polygamous marriages, recognised under customary marriage law in South Africa, present unique legal challenges, particularly in estate planning and asset distribution.

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Maintenance Court & Spousal Support Disputes in South Africa

Spousal support, commonly known as spousal maintenance, is a crucial aspect of South African family law, ensuring financial fairness following divorce or separation.

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Inheritance Rights in Customary Marriages: Legal Considerations in SA

Customary marriages hold deep cultural significance in South Africa, yet they are often subject to legal complexities, particularly when it comes to inheritance rights.

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The Legal Benefits of Marriage in South Africa

Marriage is more than just a symbolic commitment; it is a legally recognised union that comes with significant legal benefits and protections.

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Spousal Rights in Relation to Hindu Marriages in South Africa

The legal recognition of spousal rights in marriages conducted under Hindu rites has been a contentious issue within South African law.

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Asset Division in Divorce: South African Legal Insights

Divorce often involves significant decisions, particularly when it comes to dividing assets. In South Africa, the legal system provides guidelines to ensure fairness in this process.

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Divorce When Your Spouse Lives in Another Country: What You Need to Know

Divorcing a spouse who resides in another country can add layers of complexity to an already emotional process.

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Handling Disputes in Deceased Estates: Legal Solutions for Family Conflicts

Disputes over deceased estates can arise even in the most harmonious families.

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