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Sectional Title Schemes - Maintenance of the Common Property

The Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 highlights the responsibility of the body corporate in the maintenance of the common property. It also indicates that each unit owner is responsible for maintaining their section. 

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Can fines be imposed by the Body Corporate?

The rules of the scheme will help to determine if fining rules can be imposed by the body corporate of a sectional title scheme. The penalty rule will must be in the management rules or conduct rules in order for it to be enforceable.  

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Estate Agency Internships and RPL Training

Van Deventer & Van Deventer Incorporated provide the highest level of support for Estate Agent interns and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) candidates.

We have decided to launch our very own training program to assist agents in completing their Logbooks, NQF Level 4 Real Estate Course (SAQA QUAL ID 59097) as well as providing guidance on the Professional Designation Examination (PDE).

To assist you with navigating our training information we have provided some frequently asked questions to help you along. 

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The Community Schemes Ombud Services Act

Conflict within Sectional Title Schemes can be difficult to manage at the best of times, without the added stress of having to live cheek by jowl with the source of your conflict.

Fortunately the Community Schemes Ombud Services Act provides a means to a mediated legal settlement and resolution of the conflict.

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A comprehensive financial divorce checklist 

The best way to stay on top of things and keep control of the situation is to be prepared. It’s a great idea to meet with a divorce attorney to discuss your financial status. 

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Disadvantages of Share Block Schemes and Steps for Conversion

It is recommended that blocks of flats or group housing schemes be converted to sectional title as soon as possible if they haven’t already done so. 

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Changes for boomed off suburbs

Following the proposed changes to suburban road closures, the City of Johannesburg has called for public comment.

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How to pass a unanimous resolution in a sectional title scheme

When very important decisions need to be made by sectional title owners, then a unanimous resolution needs to be passed. 

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Collection Attorney - What to do about a non-levy payment?

If levies are not collected, the sectional title scheme will not be able to survive thus the importance of this task is highlighted. 

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Seller claims mora interest for delays caused by Buyer

When a party fails to do something they are supposed to do as per the sales agreement then the transfer of property could be delayed.

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