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For those with pets, one would instantly get a rush of blood to the head seeing their pet loitering in the yard with blood on its mouth. This can mean two things, either the pet got injured or it is the one that inflicted the injury. Both scenarios bring shivers through the spine, but it is the latter that may bring more reason to worry. Am I liable, would be the instant question? Liability in such scenarios – does it automatically kick in?
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On 18 January 2022, the North Gauteng High Court delivered a ruling to the effect that the Department of Basic Education must publish the matric results of learners in the media as was the practice before. City Press and the Mail & Guardian reported that the Court, however, made it a point that the names and surnames of the learners must not be published.
Buying an immovable property is a feeling like no other. Some say it is an overwhelming feeling of serenity, joy, status and security.
When one decides to get some barks for a buck, it is important to ensure that the animal is not a danger to third parties, let alone to the owners themselves. Pets are symbols of tender love and loyalty to those who own them, but things may indeed turn south if the animals are provoked. Necessary measures ought to be put in place so as to ensure that attacks by pets are eliminated.
In a landmark ruling delivered on 13 January 2022 in the case of Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse v Minister of Transport And Others 32097/2020, the North Gauteng division of the High Court declared the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act of 1998 (AARTO) and its amendment Act constitutionally invalid.
In a recent statement the Department of Basic Education announced that it will discontinue the publishing of matric results in the media, to comply with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPIA).
In a recent landmark ruling, the Constitutional Court (Concourt) confirmed the invalidity of Section 1 (1) of the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987, as well as Section 1 of the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990.
As we put the festive season behind us, many people who had travelled to various holiday destinations will be heading back to where they are ordinarily based.
The concept of law as it is known, ought to adapt to the changing requirements and needs of the society that it seeks to regulate. It would definitely be a disservice if this did not occur.
Statistics reflect that South Africa ranks amongst those with the highest incidences of domestic violence. This is a sad state of affairs, especially realising the historical and cultural dynamics around which women, who are mostly the victims of domestic violence, were subjected to abuse in traditional settings.
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