Legal Articles | All posts archived in 'April 2018' — Page 2


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Legal Articles

From monthly archives: April 2018

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'April 2018'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

A divorce case relating to the forfeiture of assets

In the case of one couple who were married in community of property, the wife (plaintiff) filed a claim for forfeiture of her husband’s (defendant) patrimonial benefits in terms of section 9(1) of the Divorce Act. 

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Fire Protection - Can a special levy be raised to cover costs?

In the case of one complex, a newly appointed managing agent found out that there weren’t any fire hoses or fire hydrants located in the complex. 

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Divorce and the forfeiture of assets

In the past, if your were responsible for a marriage being wrecked then you could not benefit financially from it and your partner would, therefore be granted a forfeiture order. 

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Marriage contracts and implications for estate planning

In this article we will be discussing estate planning and how it relates to the 3 main types of marriage.

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