Tax Law - Legal Articles — Page 2


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Tax Law

Want To Know More About Capital Gains Tax?

When you sell an asset, you may have to pay capital gains tax (CGT), unless there is an exclusion clause that you can apply. CGT came into effect in South Africa on 1 October 2001.

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Looking to save Capital Gains Tax on Immovable Property?

Van Deventers & Van Deventers Incorporated can help you structure your property investments to attract less CGT on the disposal of immovable property.

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The benefits of a trust for tax & estate planning

A trust can offer an efficient and flexible way to ensure that your assets are preserved and objectively managed and controlled by appointed trustees in the best interest of your beneficiaries.

Recent changes to tax law make it critical to consult an expert to avoid making mistakes in the use of trusts in estate tax planning.

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Looking to save on Capital Gains Tax? Here are 3 ways to do so

The effective rate of capital gains tax has increased dramatically in recent years. It has become more important than ever for taxpayers to reduce their tax bill on immovable property.

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