Legal Services - Legal Articles — Page 54


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Legal Services

What should you consider before you start working from home?

Working from home helps to cut down on costs of travelling to and from work and also reduces the money spent on resources that are used to run the company premises.

It is becoming increasingly popular for people to work from home, especially with the great earning opportunities available to freelancers and contract workers. As a result, they will usually need a home office.

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Things to note about the new Cape Town Property Zoning Scheme

In March 2013, a new regulation was put in place concerning guest houses in the Western Cape area. The new Cape Town Zoning Scheme (CTZS) was enforced on 26 November 2012 and affects all guest houses as of March 2013.

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Why is it so hard for foreigners to apply for a bond?

Foreigners wishing to buy properties in South Africa are finding it difficult to obtain residency permits and home loans, even though they may have high level qualifications and skills that would make them an asset to the country.

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What happens to property upon death? Drafting a will.

Generally speaking, nobody likes to dwell on the subject of their own death. Unfortunately, it is something that none of us can escape and ignoring the consequences can make things that much harder for those left behind.

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Do you really understand the domicilium clause?

Parties as well as their attorneys should thus study every aspect of the domicilium clause to familiarise themselves with the service processes regarding legal notices and summonses.

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Interested in Joint Ventures? Here Are 8 Need-To-Know Facts

Joint Ventures are amongst the most popular types of business arrangements being used by South Africans, in the Tender environment.

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Property Investment Companies in South Africa

Your property investment company has come across the bargain of the century, you sign the Offer to Purchase and want to take the transfer as soon as possible.

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Electric Fence Regulations in South Africa

In 2011, amendments were made in the Electric Fence Regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act which came into effect in 2012.

But what does this mean to property owners with electric fences?

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Boundary walls & fences: The responsibility of property owners

Boundary walls and fences maintain the harmonious relationship between property owners, and determines the dividing line where two properties meet.

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