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Although the administration of a deceased estate involves the distribution of benefits to legatees and beneficiaries, the law also requires that applicable taxes and deductions be made before any distribution can be made.
It is important that deductions and taxes are taken into consideration during estate planning and when a will is drawn as this is a complex process especially when the concerned has died.
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The legal status of a marriage is determined by the legal regime of the country where it was solemnised or concluded.
There are reasons for this, chief among them being that a marriage is in essence an agreement between at least two consenting parties, where reciprocal obligations arise.
Jurisdiction in respect of contractual disputes is mainly (not exclusively however) founded where the contract was concluded.
It is not uncommon that at the behest of a moment of deep romance, parties in romantic relationships find themselves making decisions which have far reaching implications pertaining to their individual estates, when a marriage is eventually concluded.
Setting up a trust is aptly a trusted way to secure inheritance for the benefit of beneficiaries.
A trust can be described as either an inter vivos trust (living trust) which is set up during the life time of the trust founder, or a testamentary trust whose set up is provided for in a will, to be set up when the testator passes away.
In an effort to recover utility arrears, some municipalities have had to resort to unconventional methods of debt recovery. This has primarily been due to the fact that the recovery rates of outstanding rates arrears have been poor.
Within the government’s published regulations in terms of the Disaster Management Act: Regulations - Alert level 1, provisions were made to discourage demolitions of residences and further cushioned tenant rights against evictions during this time.
It is mandatory for community schemes to pay CSOS levies as per the regulations of the CSOS Act. These levies are calculated based on the individual levies collected from unit owners.
There is often conflict when there is shared responsibility for land and building and, the CSOS aims to manage operations and provide efficient and cost-effective methods for dispute resolution within community schemes.
Part of managing and maintaining a section title scheme is collecting levies from the owners on a monthly basis. It’s important to have strategies in place that can help prevent owners from falling behind on more than one payment.
It is a common misconception that the need for special levies in sectional title schemes was banished with the introduction of the new legislation which regulates the management of sectional title schemes.
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