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Legal Articles

Cor van Deventer's Articles

Looking to save Capital Gains Tax on Immovable Property?

Van Deventers & Van Deventers Incorporated can help you structure your property investments to attract less CGT on the disposal of immovable property.

How Are Women Being Affected By The RCMA?

We can clearly see the dire need for an amendment of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act in order to address uncertainties and contradictions, especially where women in customary marriages are concerned.

The benefits of a trust for tax & estate planning

A trust can offer an efficient and flexible way to ensure that your assets are preserved and objectively managed and controlled by appointed trustees in the best interest of your beneficiaries.

Recent changes to tax law make it critical to consult an expert to avoid making mistakes in the use of trusts in estate tax planning.

Looking to save on Capital Gains Tax? Here are 3 ways to do so

The effective rate of capital gains tax has increased dramatically in recent years. It has become more important than ever for taxpayers to reduce their tax bill on immovable property.

Interested in Joint Ventures? Here Are 8 Need-To-Know Facts

Joint Ventures are amongst the most popular types of business arrangements being used by South Africans, in the Tender environment.

Be careful when dealing with Trusts!

The recent case of Smith v ABSA Bank Limited yet again demonstrates the extreme caution that must be taken when dealing with a Trust.

Business dealings with Trusts are most likely to occur when immovable property is sold or purchased by the Trust. 

Your vacant garden plot and municipal property rates

Your residential home may be comprised of more than one erf. One erf may have a house built on it while the other erf may be vacant and simply form part of the garden.

The question now arises as to how property rates and other services are charged on erven that do not have residential structures but which still form part of a person’s residential property.

Property Investment Companies in South Africa

Your property investment company has come across the bargain of the century, you sign the Offer to Purchase and want to take the transfer as soon as possible.

Engineering Contribution Figures Demanded By The Municipality

The issue of engineering contribution figures that are demanded by the municipality, has been one that frequently arises and needs to be examined more closely.

Noise Pollution - Dealing With Noisy Neighbours

You have moved into the house of your dreams only to realise that your neighbour operates loud machinery at odd hours of the day, has a mad barking dog, and he has parties till early hours of the morning on weekends. Do you tolerate this or is there some kind of recourse?


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